Könyv Nyilvántartás - Házi Kön

by Szűcs Zoltán



Designed to work with the PC version, the two applications complement each other perfectly.The program running on the PC is much more detailed, it contains more information, records, queries.It uses a MySQL database to manage up to several remote sites within an application. The database can be on the users server (only one empty database is created with one user, the rest is created by the program) or it can be provided by the developer if required (for an annual fee).Data needed to access the demonstration database (default):Server: szis.huPort: 3306Database: presentationUser: demonstratoPassword: presentationThe demonstration database is for trial only, a common database (all user-recorded data can be found in it) and its data is deleted daily.Of course, the live database is exclusive and there are no restrictions on its use.Since the program works with a remote database, a stable, reliable Internet connection is required (wifi recommended).For more information, please visit:http://szis.hu/html/prg_konyvtar.html